March 9, 2025

About Us


Project 76 – An American Affair, Inc. (“Project 76” or “Prj76”) was founded in 1974 to function as a supply, logistics and capital intermediary for operating non-profits serving the young, the sick and the needy, at home and abroad.  In 1985, in response to a request by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Project 76 began authorizing and issuing pro forma, or effectively shelf registration, versions of collateralized capital notes in virtually unlimited face amounts.

This was done by Prj76’s directors to enable Prj76 to engage in qualified tax exempt activities, including, for example, in the below-referenced instances of funding aNationwide, Not-for-profit Health Service (NHS); a VistA Total Health Network (VTHN) of non-profit providers; and operating a National Health Information Database (NHID) to capture the essential features of global health care in the “Cloud” as an aid to study, training, data mining and advertising.

For almost two years, Prj76 has collaborated with New America Foundation, Senior Fellow and Washington Monthly, SF (and “Best Care Anywhere” author), Phillip Longman on bringing health care delivery stakeholders together to develop a business plan, organizing models and operating principles for a new “Civilian VA” or network of non-profit health care providers.  It would be linked by VA’s health information technology (or “VistA”) and operated according to VA protocols, practices and a re-engineered version of that enterprise and electronic health record (or “EHR”) technology platform that VA has used to great success and to very much acclaim in peer reviewed medical journals.

Prj76 is a “public charity,” tax-exempt corporation, focused on developing a nationwide, not-for-profit health service (or NHS), including the below listed units, subsidiaries and affiliates:

    1. The USASinglePayerOption.Com© (supply, equipment and solutions portal);
    2. The Vista Total Health Network© (non-profit health care provider subsidiary);
    3. The Vista National Qualified Health Plan© (non-profit insurance plan subsidiary);
    4. The© (links, organizes and operates NHS, the Enterprise);
    5. The Vista Cloud Data Services© (private, NHS health information database unit);
    6. The Corporate Finance, Capital Markets & Charitable Fundraising (Affiliate); and
    7. The NHS Government Affairs and Investor, Donor and Public Relations (Affiliate).


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