March 9, 2025


The Proposed, Nationwide, "Not-for-profit Health Service" Charitable Corporation Parent Company (ENI: 23-7382621)


Project 76’s motivation is to build a national not-for-profit delivery system that provides efficient health care, including:


  1.  Healthcare providers getting information technology (IT) needs met at no cost, in exchange for sharing their data and logistical needs with a new not-for-profit health service (NHS);
  1. A functional IT and enterprise health records platform that meets NHS, caregiver and patient needs;
  1. An HIT system that functions with low to no overhead and cost to NHS stakeholders;
  1. A database that will provide extra services and generate revenue from advertising; and
  1. An umbrella NHS entity to underwrite Member operating and capital reserves, to sponsor incentives for member primary caregivers, and create economies of scale for non-profit healthcare providers.

Based on NHS promotions, resources; and the documented success of the VA program under VistA, everyone involved with, served by or covered under the new NHS will attract a growing user base to re-engineered VA VistA and lead, “de facto” to its emergence as the new HIT standard—as pervasive in the “private” sector as VistA is in the “public” Veterans Health Administration, sector.

We are seeking a synergistic relationship between —– (appropriate industry player) and Project 76’s NHS.  For purposes of negotiated database revenue sharing proportions, Project 76 recognizes the currency value of —— stock.

In this connection, Project 76 will be responsible for assembling the flow of unique data into the VistA database and for underwriting the considerable research, development, optimization and implementation capital expense associated with this historic effort, with the exception of the initial, ONE TIME ONLY ($15 Million by September 30, 2011), seed funding proposed to be provided by —— (individual charitable and strategic contributions).

Also, once selected on the merits, independent of any other consideration, a strategic technology company will partner with the NHS and would provide its know how: in building and operating a distributed system; in huge database management and administration; in broadly disseminating information; in managing explosive organizational growth; in global search; data mining; and advertising; and in providing one-click health, finance, public goods and goods and services referrals on a social networking infrastructure (existing and/or built from the ground up).


The Proposal:


The objectives of the partnership proposal are:

1.      To create a revenue sharing partnership between Prj76 and —— (a technology partner) based on the creation and private use of the NHS database for advertising;

2.      To capture in the Cloud the essential features of global healthcare delivery as an aid to data mining, advertising, study and training;

3.      To reengineer and modernize VA’s existing EHR VistA platform for the Cloud;

4.      To use a unique  operating system and dedicated hardware, exclusively; and

5.      Laying the foundation for attracting 1 billion national and international users to the NHS database and deploying 2 billion devices by the year 2020.



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