March 9, 2025


TACTICALLY, Linking A “Cloud” Based, “Civilian VA” Version of Next Generation VA VistA, Health Information Technology To:

  • A Dedicated Hardware, Browser and Operating System Technology;
  • One-Click Health, Finance, Public Goods, and eCommerce Information (On A Distributed Computing, Social Networking Infrastructure–New or Rented);
  • Advertising and Data-Mining Revenue Sharing; and
  • To A Unique, Tax Exempt Issuer (Project 76/NHS) Commitment of and Access to More-Than-Sufficient Capital Is THE VALUE PROPOSITION: for
  • Consolidating Non-Profit Health Care Enterprises Into A Necessary, USA Single Payer Option;
  • Organizing Global Health Information Online;
  • Serving 1+ Billion Healthcare Consumers On 2+ Billion Devices; and for
  • Cutting Projected growth in American Healthcare Delivery System Costs by as much as FIFTY PERCENT, by the year 2020.


Accordingly, the key to health informatics going forward is to be found in:

  • Re-engineered (open source) VA VistA HIT based individualization, commoditization and standardization of nationwide (then global), not-for-profit medical records; and
  • Globalized database modeling of health information, on throw-away mobile hardware and telephony hosted in the Cloud.

And, as it will represent a “non-economic” and VERY substantial capital investment as significant as President Eisenhower’s building of the Interstate Highway System, it will need to be the following or another existing non-profit entity that makes that investment and brings the reality for global, not-for-profit, standardized and uniform, Electronic Health Record and Electronic Medical Records to life…  i.e., a NECESSARY component of creating a Nationwide, Not-for-profit Health System (‘NHS”) in the United States of America, and why is the website of the principal division of the NON-PROFIT corporation, Project 76–An American Affair, Incorporate.


The Current U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs VistA (IT) Modernization Initiative presents the Unique Opportunity for THIS Initiative to Create that “Virtual” Universal; Public Option; Single Payer; Healthcare Delivery System within America’s Private, Not-for-profit Sector.

And VA’s Electronic Medical Records, Health Information Technology Modernization Initiative Gives The American People that Opportunity  to Link, Organize and Operate a Nationwide, “Non-profit Healthcare Service,” Provider Network; Insurer; Supply and Equipment Intermediary; Health Information and Database Technology Non-Profit Entity; and the Education, Singe Payer HealthCare Entity, or “Public Option”, in the Private, Not-for-profit Sector.”


The Last National “Project 76” Citizen Initiative of the People of United States, Was in 1776

 “The American Revolution”


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