March 7, 2025

VA IT Modernization Strategy

Advertising Revenue Sharing; Technology Co-development; and Database Administration/Management Proposal (Deploying Project76 Capital and State-of-the-Art, Industry Expertise) for A New, Online Network of Integrated Non-profit Healthcare Facilities; Providers; and Caregivers Serving 1+ Billion Consumers on 2+ Billion Devices by the Year 2020

III. The Technology Design, Development, Optimization and Implementation Proposal:

The proposal objectives are:

1. To create a revenue sharing partnership between Prj76/NHS and Industry based on the creation and private use of the NHS database for advertising;

2. To capture in the Cloud the essential features of global healthcare delivery as an aid to data mining, advertising, study and training;

3. To reengineer and modernize VA’s existing EHR VistA platform for the Cloud;

4. To supply and deploy a dedicated operating system and hardware, exclusively; and

5. To lay the foundation for attracting 1 billion national and international users to the NHS database and deploying 2 billion devices by the year 2020.

These partnership objectives will be attained in three stages.

A. Stage – I (September 1, 2011 through November 30, 2011 — Priming the Pump)

Project 76 proposes to obtain ONE TIME ONLY prime-the-pump, seed funding (in the amount of $15 Million) in the form of tax-deductible charitable contributions (small, medium and large) from private citizens, charitable trusts and other non-profit entities, for the following five tasks:

1. To develop an operating framework for a new, VistA Total Health Network (VTHN) under the auspices of New American Foundation (NAF) health policy fellow, Phillip Longman, and Project 76 staff;

2. To develop technical requirements for transferring VA VistA HIT to the cloud;

3. To demonstrate Legal, Securities and Tax issue viability for the Not-for-profit Health Service© (NHS) long-term capital campaign strategies;

4. To do NHS organizational design, business processes modeling, revenue sharing, NHS / VTHN contracting, operational cost models, supply chain models, and H.R. metrics; and

5. To underwrite offering expenses (banking, advisory, legal, tax, accounting, securities and printing) for an November-December 2011 initial private auction of highly liquid, collateralized, high-yield, and principal guaranteed NHS Capital Notes issued by the non-profit, Project 76.

The approximate funding requirement for each of these tasks is enumerated below:

o Task 1, $3.0 Million

o Task 2, $2.5 Million

o Task 3, $2.5 Million

o Task 4, $2.5 Million

o Task 5, $4.5 Million
o TOTAL $15.0 Million

B. Stage – II (October 31, 2011 through December 31, 2011):

In the period between November 1 and December 31, 2011 Project 76 will, through a private auction of its capital notes, raise $200 million to be allocated as described below:

1. $50 million in initial capital for the organization of a stand alone subsidiary to implement the resulting NAF/Prj76 framework for assembling and operating a nationwide, VTHN. This network would include non-profit clinics, community health centers, public hospitals, community hospitals and medical schools;

2. $50 million into the initial budget for implementing the technical requirements developed by Prj76 and its technology partner for an immediate transfer of VA’s VistA health information technology from the new, VA created, open source ecosystem Custodial Agent (, to the cloud;

3. $50 million to a development budget for the proposed distributed computing and private database development and advertising revenue sharing initiative, the goal of which is a 2014-2016 introduction of re-engineered VA VistA (or VistA 1), “Vista In the Cloud 2.0” (VC2.0) and the launch of “VistA Cloud Data Services”(VCDS); and

4. $50 million to raise the profile of the “Not-for-profit Health Service Division (NHSD). i.e., to: implement the organizational design and business processes developed in Stage – I; to set up new subsidiary units; to investigate strategic acquisition opportunities; and to form across-economic sector joint ventures, including partnering with VA in its new, open source ecosystem re-engineering of its VistA EHR base code, beginning November 31, 2011.

C. Stage – III (December 2011 through December 2012):

1. Prj76 demonstrates its second and third stage capital viability while offering non-profit, NHS providers and HIT adopters:

a. Current provider financial assistance qualifying for Federal, HIT subsidies;

b. Cost free, post subsidy, provider HIT hardware, software support services;

c. Interest free infrastructure capital and operating reserve, NHS provider support;

d. Objective international health information metrics for ending disparate care;

e. Standardized access to provider electronic medical and personal health records;

f. Substantial cuts in projected annual increases in plan premiums and cost of care;

g. Improved facilities, patient outcomes, safety records and consumer satisfaction;

h. Primary caregiver recruitment, retention, loan-repayment and housing subsidies;

i. Bulk pricing on supply, equipment, human resources and drug solutions; and

j. Revenue sharing from global health information database mining and advertising.

VistA 1.0 is born when the proposed Project 76/Google revenue sharing partnership moves open source VistA (FOIA) from the Custodial Agent to the Cloud. And VistA 2.0 is born when VistA 1.0 is entirely reengineered in pursuit of the objective of simulating global healthcare in the Cloud.

Project 76’s “R—RFI for VistA Open Source Solicitation Dated August 25, 2010” (Submission Of Proposed Nationwide, “Not-for-profit Health Service” to the Department of Veteran Affairs, Information Technology Office)

VA Launches Open Source Custodian Open Source Electronic Health Record Agent Begins Operations

Open Source Electronic Health Record Agent


This is our chance.

Charitable Contribution Donations TO Project 76–An American Affair, Inc. (A 501(c)(3) Public Charity Corporation), Are TAX DEDUCTIBLE for Federal Income Tax Purposes
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